When is a wrench not a wrench?

So it turns out not only was the wrench not needed, but if it was, I got the wrong kind. All of the watches I’ve dealt with are opened by prying off the backing. This is how I’ve destroyed a number of screw drivers, so I thought a dedicated tool might do a better job. Turns out I was wrong. This wrench is for “jaxa” style watches which have little grooves on the backing which line up with the wrench. The back is then unscrewed.

Whoops. There goes 6...</div> <div>Edit, actually, someone on my hall has a slide rule watch which wasn't slide ruling very smoothly. Using my new wrench, I was able to take the backing off her watch and apply some lubricant to the slide rule gear.6 well spent.

New features and replacement parts

I realized today that I2C is a universal(ish) standard kind of thing, and if possible, it would make it really easy if all of my components were I2C compatible.

For this reason, I’m probably going to replace my accelerometer with a a LIS-1331DLH, which is LGA16 like my current choice, but unfortunately, it’s .5mm pitch as opposed to .65mm, so I can’t use the same breakout board. I won’t worry about it right now and order it at some point in the future.

A Transplant Candidate

So, I’m going to need a case for my watch to go into, so I ordered a cheap Casio watch off Amazon. Nobody seems to sell watch cases for hobbyists, so I guess I’m just going to have to go about ripping apart watches until I find one that will work.

This is the watch I bought:
And I went ahead and bought a tool for getting the back off (I’ve done this before with a screw driver and managed to destroy my screwdriver, so…)

Sockets and footprints

I spent about 6 hours today racking my brain trying to find parts that will both do what I want and feasibly be used in both the prototype and final version.

My prototype will be on a breadboard, so I need a chip that I can surface mount to a breakout board and later surface mount to an actual custom circuit board.

Here’s what I got from digikey