Introducing the Ch00ftech Store!

So if you gaze up to the top of the page, you’ll notice a new link on my link bar.

I decided to open up a little online shop to sell a few select items. If/when I get my QR clock ready for mass production, you’ll probably be able to buy it there.

For the time being, I’m offering some cool ch00ftech stickers just to work the kinks out of the whole store thing. They’re pretty cool stickers. I highly recommend them.

Longboard Wheel Display

If you’re a resident of Seattle, I highly recommend you check out the Bubble events group. One of their regular events over the summer is something called “Nocturnal Push” where you can get decked out in your best glow gear and cruise the Alki Beach strip on your bike, longboard, or whatever.

That’s why I made this:

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The Ch00ftech Guide to PCB Printing

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed that I typically make my own PCBs for my projects.  I’ve gotten much better at this process over the past few months, and I’ve been promising a “super awesome writeup” on my techniques for almost a year now. I figured that a video would do more than a writeup and spent the weekend producing one for you.

So here you have it!  The video is a good 40 minutes long, but it’s packed with details that should hopefully help you avoid some of the time consuming mistakes I’ve made.