The Ch00ftech Guide to PCB Printing

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed that I typically make my own PCBs for my projects.  I’ve gotten much better at this process over the past few months, and I’ve been promising a “super awesome writeup” on my techniques for almost a year now. I figured that a video would do more than a writeup and spent the weekend producing one for you.

So here you have it!  The video is a good 40 minutes long, but it’s packed with details that should hopefully help you avoid some of the time consuming mistakes I’ve made.

The ch00ftech Guide to Breadboarding

After posting my very tidy circuit on Reddit the other day, I got a few requests for a breadboarding guide.  I came up with this:

I did this all in one take (with some editing), so sorry if it’s a little sloppy.  Regardless, it’s chock-full of tips for breadboarding, and if your boards usually end up like a rat’s nest, it’s the best way you can spend 25 minutes.

Super Rapid Prototyping a Radial Hard Disk Display Proof of Concept

So, a friend and I were discussing hard drive clocks Tuesday afternoon, and I somehow got it in my head that I had to build something similar that evening.

I had enough supplies lying around to pull it off, and confident that I could, I decided to do a fun little video.  Ironically, it took longer for me to edit this video than to make the display. Details on the project here.