Neat huh?
The Slowest $380 I’ll Ever Make
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. In addition to a number of small personal obligations I’ve had over the past few weeks, I’ve also been spending a lot of time shipping out QR clocks to my customers and handling customer service requests. I’ve been really eager to post a final summary of the whole QR clock experiment, but I had to wait for the experiment to end first.
Now that all of my clocks are happily in the hands of their new owners, I can.
QR Clock Kits and the Surplus Parts Store
The QR clock fundraiser was a resounding success, and all of the pre-ordered clocks are either on their way or already delivered to their new homes.
In the meantime, I still have some extra clocks which I will be selling as kits with colored LED matrices. They may not be as pretty as the standard white, but at 40% off, they’re quite a deal! If you know how to solder through-hole components, this is your chance to get your hands on a QR clock for a major discount. Head over to the store to check it out.
Also, if you’d like to make some LED creation of your own, check out the new Surplus Store where you can pick up some of my extra components at rock-bottom prices.
Vendor Bender
I found out this week that sometimes goods and services purchased in China can be of low quality.
Optimizing the QR Clock
Looks like a second hand is possible after all.
Making 55 of Something Without Lifting a Soldering Iron
Soil Moisture Sensor
My friend has trouble keeping plants alive, so I made her this!
Continue reading
Electronic Birthday Candle
My friend’s birthday was this past week, and I couldn’t find any birthday candles, so I made one instead!
No, she’s not turning 2… I ran out of parts for the 8…
Making a Cooler Business Card
It works!
QR Clock is a go!
Thank you all for your support on my Tindie QR Clock fundraiser! If you participated, you were probably a little confused when you checked your email this morning.
My original fundraiser goal was 50 pre-orders. I came up with this number after working out the cost-per-unit to produce them in various quantities. If I wanted to sell the clock at $100, I needed to make at least 50. Any fewer and the price would rise.
Well, when I got to 45 pre-orders, I started thinking it might be a good idea to go ahead with the production of 50 and sell the last 5 off in the future. This was a better option than losing the 45 guaranteed sales I already had (and probably never having another chance to make the clock happen). If I dropped the goal to 45, my fundraiser would go through as a “success” despite the fact that I never actually reached my original target.
Unfortunately, due to a timing error on my part (being on China time at the moment), I forgot to make this change until it was too late! Fortunately, the folks at Tindie were nice enough to let me retroactively change my target number. If you backed my fundraiser, you probably got an email telling you that it failed followed by one congratulating me on my success. Sorry for the confusion!
So I’m definitely going forward on the QR clock. If you didn’t get a chance to back the fundraiser but still want a clock, make sure to sign up for updates on the Tindie page. I’m going to have at least 5 extras ready as soon as I start shipping and those will go out to the first buyers.
I’ll be posting production updates on my blog and twitter, so stay tuned!