Failure Across the Board

So, the good news is that my laptop is up and running again despite Apple designing their software to be too user-friendly to actually work (it’s cute when it’s PhotoBooth.  Less so when it’s 10,000 of my photos).

The bad news is that my attempts at making a circuit board were complete failures.  See results below:

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When you feel like doing some really rapid prototyping and don’t want to wait around for a board to come in the mail, you usually have to print a board of your own.  I’ve done this a number of times (the original bullet counter was a home-printed board).

The whole process has a number of steps (which I will be going into in another post), but one of them involves printing an acid-resistant substance on a copper sheet and dissolving the un-coated copper in an acid.  As I have mentioned earlier, I had some really crummy ferric chloride acid that didn’t do a very good job of etching my boards.  I would usually end up sitting around for an hour or so waiting for it to etch only to have the etchant start to eat under my etch-resist while other free portions were still un-dissolved.

Ferric chloride is also kind of pricey, so I decided to try my hand at some home-brew etchant.  I found a recipe online that calls for just two ingredients:

Muriatic Acid (HCL) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

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Good bearings

So, I finally figured out what the deal was with my accelerometer needing to be asked twice what the value was.

As it turns out, I wasn’t actually giving the chip time to reply. I thought the micro would automatically handle receiving the data value, so I all I had to do was send the ACK at the end. In fact, the command that sends the ACK actually tells the micro controller to wait until the entire data byte has been transmitted, and then transmits the ACK.

So, when I was storing the value before sending the ACK, I was storing the value that I originally had in the register (the address of the accelerometer chip) and then waiting for the data and finally sending the ACK. Now, I’ve changed it so that it waits for the data and sends the ACK before storing the data value in the register.

How did I figure all of this out? With an O-scope! I simply modified my code so that it would give me a voltage spike on one of the output pins while it was reading the data from the register. What I noticed was that it was spiking before it was supposed to. Here’s an example of what I mean:


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